Friday, January 30, 2009

Ray Keeps His End Up And The Pussy Down

Here are the results for the last game of 2008...
Friday 12th December

Noda had won the competition so long ago that it is really not worth commenting upon. There were a couple of questions to be resolved further down the table, chiefly among the foreign players...
  • Would Jaime's remarkable run of luck enable him to finish the year in the black?
  • Would David's miserable fortune keep him nailed to the bottom or would he manage a dead cat bounce?
  • Or would Ray keep his end up and keep the bouncing pussy down?

Here is the second page of the score sheet. I am not sure what happened to the first page, but seeing as how this game was played about six weeks ago, it is a wonder I still have any record of it at all:

Page 2 of the Scoresheet

Jaime (+26), +62, +24 = +112
Noda (+62), --, --, = +62
David (-47), -10, 0 = -57
Ray (-41), -52,
* -24* = -117

* Double Ron

As can be seen, Jaime came top and so finished the year in the black.

Meanwhile, David and Ray shed points, more or less by the same rate in the first half of the evening, but then Ray got clobbered with Double Ron in two games and sank to the bottom for the evening, while David "recovered" by only shedding 10.

Ray had done enough by not losing even more to avoid coming bottom for the year.

David, second place, in the black and top foreigner last year, picks up his second plastic duck in three years.



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